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Records !

My beloved holiday in Bali with my friends and my teachers was so exciting. I was enjoyed there, cos this is the last holiday with my friends T_T .  Boat With Bima . . . My cute best friends -__- With Yanr :D  Xpose  At GWK  Beautiful and colorfull At Kuta Beach Drove the boat \m/ Xpose  PENGELANA !!!  Xpression Jayus Our xpression

JHS !!!

Hi I'm back here. . . I gonna show something to all of you. My feelings on 2 June 2012. The date was the graduation announcement for junior high school. All of the junior high school students in Indonesia were waiting for that date. Wish me luck O:) !! This is my pictures, First time that i got this letters from my school and . . . This is my feelings ☺  Don't turn back, bad score isn't the end of everythings ! Do the best, Try to be the best and Be THE BEST !!! :)

Putih Biru~

3 tahun ada di SMP itu lama, tapi berasa sebentar. Aku masih inget pertama kali daftar sekolah, lalu test, lalu MOS, dimarahin kakak kelas dan gak terasa sekarang aku udah L U L U S. Rasanya kenangan itu gak akan pernah dilupakan. Masa Putih Biru begitu indah, dan aku masih bertanya-tanya, apakah masa Putih Abu-abu akan jauh lebih indah dibanding masa Putih Biru ? 


  Once upon a time, there was a kingdom where its people lived peacefully and never found difficulty to fulfill their daily needs because the king, Jati Pati, governed his people with care and wisdom. Everything they needed were always give n by the king for their prosperity and welfare. His people liked him so much. He had two daughters with similar characters. That is wise , hospitable, and helpful. The older one was Demi Padmi and the younger one was Dewi Arum. Dewi Padmi was an unfortunate girl because she was sick. The disease was hard to be healed. Her parents did everything, but failed. The diseases wa given by Mak Bayong, an ugly evil witch. Dewi Padmi would be healthy if the king gave Dewi Arum to the witch. She wanted her because Dewi Arum was protected by the power of God. There was a saying ” the one that could kill the witch is Dewi Arum”. She didnt want it happen. One night the witch came to the palace and appeared in front of the     King ...

Cara Menambahkan Lagu Di Wordpress

1. Buka 2. Pilih lagu yang kamu suka, Misalnya, kamu milih lagu Avril Lavigne – Wish You Were Here . .  3. Lalu, klik link lagu tersebut. 4. LIHAT ‘ROCK N’ SHARE’. Pilih Icon WORDPRESS 5. Isikan wordpress username, wordpress pasword and blog. 6. Klik ‘POST’ 7. Setelah ter-POSTING. Silahkan login di wordpress kamu –> EDIT POST –> Klik EDIT pada posting (no title) –> HTML  –> Copy Kode-nya 8. Klik WIDGET kamu –> drag (tarik) TEXT ke tempat yang kamu inginkanpada sideboard –> Beri judul –> paste Kode HTML yang telah kamu copy dari EDIT POSTING tadi –> SAVE 9. SELESAI –> LIHAT HASILNYA 10. GAMPANGKAN ☺


PIDATO Tema : Pengaruh Positif dan Negatif Jejaring Sosial Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb. Selamat pagi. . . Yang saya hormati Bapak Slamet Riyadi beserta   teman-teman yang saya cintai. Puji syukur saya panjatkan kepada Tuhan YME atas karunia dan rahmatNya saya masih bisa berdiri di sini dan diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan pidato saya yang berjudul ‘ Jejaring Sosial’. Teman-temanku sekalian, di era globalisasi yang semakin modern ini kita tahu bahwa teknologi   sudah sangat maju dan mendunia. Sering kali kita mendengar kata “Jejaring Sosial”, dan sering juga kita menggunakannya, seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Jejaring sosial ini banyak digunakan oleh kebanyakan orang, tanpa terkecuali para remaja. Dengan awal maraknya Facebook dan Twitter, gaya hidup remaja saat ini terkesan tidak bisa lepas dengan ‘update status’. Ada beberapa dampak positif dan dampak negatif dari jejaring sosial. Dampak positif menggunakan situs jejaring sosial diantaranya : sebagai...


Logo terbaru PENGELANA ! :D 


Here, I wanna introduce my class . . . I'm in 9A Class . . . Everybody said that 9A and 9C is the best class. But, I think 9A is the best class in RSBI program and 9C is the best class in REGULAR !!!!  Aaaa.. forget it.. !!  9A have nickname, it is PENGELANA . . . PENGELANA is Pelajar NGEtop sembiLAN A :D . . That's funny right ^^  okey, here I want to show you the students of PENGELANA :D ^^  PENGELANA Khalif Aji Puspito (Aji) Albert Duke Tantono (Albert)  Ance Rimba (Ance) and Annisa Rachmawati (Anis)  Dwi Arini Ms (Arini) and Bima Panji Mardi (Bima)  Chintya Lionnyta Fartikasari (Chintya) and Effran Rajagukguk (Effran)  Duo SETAN ! :D Fathur Rachman (Fathur) and Hedi Bagus Prayoga (Hedi)  COUPLE *Upss  Ken Lisa Nanda (Icha) and Kemal Bachtiar Rahman (Kemal)  Rahayu Intan Nurjannah (Intan) and Rr. Pramesthi Dyah Oktaseski (Rara) Auridho Prasetyo Putra Ditya (Ridho) Indah...