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Here, I wanna introduce my class . . . I'm in 9A Class . . . Everybody said that 9A and 9C is the best class. But, I think 9A is the best class in RSBI program and 9C is the best class in REGULAR !!!! 
Aaaa.. forget it.. !! 

9A have nickname, it is PENGELANA . . .
PENGELANA is Pelajar NGEtop sembiLAN A :D . . That's funny right ^^ 
okey, here I want to show you the students of PENGELANA :D ^^ 

Khalif Aji Puspito (Aji)
Albert Duke Tantono (Albert)

 Ance Rimba (Ance) and Annisa Rachmawati (Anis)

 Dwi Arini Ms (Arini) and Bima Panji Mardi (Bima)

 Chintya Lionnyta Fartikasari (Chintya) and Effran Rajagukguk (Effran)
 Duo SETAN ! :D Fathur Rachman (Fathur) and Hedi Bagus Prayoga (Hedi)

 COUPLE *Upss 
Ken Lisa Nanda (Icha) and Kemal Bachtiar Rahman (Kemal)
 Rahayu Intan Nurjannah (Intan) and Rr. Pramesthi Dyah Oktaseski (Rara)

Auridho Prasetyo Putra Ditya (Ridho)
Indah Purwaningtyas (Nyos)
Hasan Khadiki (Hasan)

Our teacher is Mrs. Linamik
Our captain is Fathur Rachman 
Our vice captain is Ance Rimba
Our secretary are Dwi Arini Ms and Khalif Aji Puspito
Our treasurer are Rahayu Intan Nurjannah and Rr. Pramesthi Dyah Oktaseski 

Yaps, that's my class PENGELANA ...
I hope keep in touch each other when we leave One Junior High School Pasuruan ^^



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